Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Last year's notes on Gardening- Reposted

Reposted May 3, 2011

So you wanna Garden
As I putter around the yard, pulling weeds, harvesting some leaves of spinach, I think ,"whew, this is work." This thought leads me to remember that 80's show Fame. Remember Debbie Allen talking to her dance students. . . So you want fame, well fame costs and right here is where you start paying for it."
Yeah so the version of this mantra in my head said the following:
So you wanna garden, huh? You want food grown local?, Yeah, well right here is where you start pulling the weeds. And just how do you think that food gets to your table in the first place?
I must confess that this year is the first year that I have gotten tired of puttering in the yard. Yet, I am compelled to do so. Being compelled to garden is much like being compelled to do art of any kind, including performance art.
Several times today, I have come into the house and declared, I'm done! I can't do any more. And then I went back outside with the pupster, opened the garage and took out a rake. Maybe this is some kind of obsessive compulsive disorder, I wonder.

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