Sunday, September 4, 2011

What tools can't you live without?

There are some tools that I can't live without when it's time to preserve the harvest. Here's my listing =>>>

See this photo?  Somebody remind me what it's called.

Watch this. . . 

Did you see that?  I'm giddy with excitement!

Oh yeah, I don't think the conventional farmer would say that either. It's just way too hip.

And if I put them through this gadget one more time, look at the result


Ok so there's that gadget, Then there's the food mill. . .

After that there's the vacuum sealer. Enough said, if I begin to talk about the vacuum sealer, you will think this is an infomercial. Let's just say I love it and leave it at that.

A canner is nice too. I just do tomato sauce, salsa and acidic items.  I suggest you go to your local state extension office for information on canning.  There's nothing like it, if you've never done it. 

Try it!

Next, is the freezer.
Don't think that a small household can't use a big freezer.  The goal is to fill that baby up with the harvest!

So then there are knives.  You must have some knives. I like knives in the kitchen. Invest in a good set and keep them sharp!

My grandmother always admonished that there is nothing more dangerous than a kitchen knife that isn't sharp.

There's also the food processor. Get a good one. You'll use it!

These are the items I can't live without at harvest time.

And just  for your information, I don't consider this cooking or food preparation.  These are the tools of an artist! 

Hip Urban Farmer. . . Artist!

What tools can't you live without?

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