Not so Urban Farm? How about Yarn?
Some folks don't have their own urban farm, but that does not make them any less hip. In fact some people's urban farm is not a farm at all. . . .
HUF, you say, you've lost it! What are you talking about?
Well, (sits in rocking chair, starts chewing urban straw) sit for a spell and I'll spin you a yarn about this not so urban farm and a brave woman willing to take risks don't be deceived, though her name really fits.
HUF:What do you grow on your urban farm?
I spin my own yarn out of wool fiber mostly. I used to belong to a fiber CSA through Juniper Moon Fiber Farm and it was a lot of fun reading the blog and keeping up with the animals. Even though I do not belong to the fiber CSA anymore, I try to buy for small farms.
HUF: How do you feel about growing what you grow?
I enjoy spinning my own yarn very much. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and creativity. I enjoy trying to figure out knitting projects that will go with a particular pattern. One of my goals this year is to knit more projects with my handspun yarn.
HUF:Do you ever feel a sense of inspiration from growing what you grow?
Yes. Just like I said in the last question, I am learning to pair up knitting patterns with yarn I spin. It’s fun to go through the yarns I spin and remember what I was thinking when I spun or dyed that particular yarn.
HUF:What does growing your own inspire you to do?
be more creative with my knitting or dyeing. When spinning my own yarn, I can experiment with colors or experiment with different knitting projects.
Have you ever felt a sense of self sufficiency from growing what you grow?
Have you ever felt a sense of self sufficiency from growing what you grow?
Sometimes. It’s fun to be able to make a yarn you want, however I still rely on commercial yarns to get me through most patterns or stuff I knit. As I said, I want to start using my own handspun yarns more and it will lead me more a sense of self sufficiency with yarn.
HUF:Does that sense of self-sufficient sense lead you to want make thing? If so, what do you make?
Yes, it inspires me to try to use my handspun yarns in different patterns. For now, I make scarves, wraps, gloves and other smaller items.
HUF:How do you make it?
I knit them.
HUF:Does it matter how you get the supplies to make it? Why or why not?
Yes, I try to buy fiber from smaller farms and not commercial places. I like to buy fiber unwashed and process it myself. And I like to patron those smaller farms if I can over and over. I think it is important to support smaller farms so you know where the fiber is coming from.
HUF:What would you say to folks to encourage them to make their own?
Just go for it. Often times when I wanted to do something and I hesitated, I chickened out. But when I just delved into something and learned, I was braver and take more risks. Just do what you want to do and don’t look back.
HUF: Delve in, learn, and don't look back! Thanks Misfityarns. That's really hip!