Friday, May 10, 2013

This week on the urban farm. . .

I love this time of year. It's so full of potential. What could every urban area look like if we changed how we think and feel! Beauty could be everywhere!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

So out on the farm. . .

I was out in the fields of raised beds this morning. Got my pitchfork out.

 Oh my beloved pitchfork! Tines piercing the ground, push and lift and turn over the dirt. 

Yeah. I love that pitch fork.

Also talked to the seedlings today. Told 'em they don't know nothin' about the outside, but it's time to learn. Those seedlings shivered in the sun on the deck, while I mowed the lawn. Yep, time to get them hardened off. They gotta get strong!

Ah, so much work to do on the farm. . . . .

Yeah, it is hip.